Mother Foucault’s hosts reading events Thursday-Saturday, with rare exceptions for acoustic music and other weekdays. To organize a reading or book launch, please call us at the shop.
Event doors open at 7pm, and events usually end by 9pm. We allow some time to gather before starting and begin by 7:30pm at the latest.
Please note: We are a used bookstore, specializing in foreign language, philosophy, and rare collectible titles. While our space is unique, and we love sharing it with Portland’s literary community, we only order books from publishers or distributors in extremely rare cases. We prefer to sell new stock on consignment and offer a 50/50 split with the author or publisher at the time of sale. If you schedule a reading with us, please understand that any sales will go through our register, according to the above guidelines.
To organize a reading, event, or book launch, call (503) 236-2665.